Creating collages is a great way to express yourself in an abstract way. During class, we got the chance to create out own collages that focused on an emotion of our choice. In the first part of this lesson, we created an abstract collage. We started by taking a piece of white construction paper and folded it until it had eight different sections. From there, we were given different emotions to represent in an abstract drawing. Using these drawings as a tool, we then got to choose just one emotion to represent in another abstract art piece. We took a large colored piece of construction paper and glued a variety of papers from newspapers or magazines that would represent the emotion we chose. I chose to represent energy, so I did bright colors and comic strips on my blue paper to show several things happening. Here are my sample pictures:
How can you use it in the classroom? You can do this project at the beginning of the year in order to get to know your students better. You get the opportunity to see how children express themselves. As an extension, students can present their collages and explain why they chose the certain emotion to represent.
Collage II
In the second part of this lesson, we created an abstract assemblage. We first wrote down words that described ourselves. Then, we broke those words down into categories of external and internal descriptors (interpersonal, intrapersonal). Once we completed that, we received small brown paper bags. Using the tools we brought to class, we got to represent our interpersonal selves on the outside and our intrapersonal selves on the inside. I chose to put mascara on the outside because that is an item I love. I also put some blonde hair on there because I have blonde hair. Another item I put on there was a smiling face because I always want to smile. On the inside, I out blue construction paper to represent the compassion that I have for people. In a unique way, this project can allow any person to represent themselves. Here is my sample:
How can you use it in the classroom? This could be an extension activity of collage I. Since students will have practice showing emotion through abstract art work, they will have no troubles with this activity. But since this is a more personal project, students could just share it in a small group rather than to the whole class.